Wednesday, December 30, 2009


It is amazing to me how a 2-year-old can put life into perspective sometimes.

(Oldish pic, but still a fav)

This is how he reminded me of what really should matter to me:

I was running around late this morning like a chicken with my head cut off. I went out to start my car, but brought my keys back inside with me so I could lock my car doors while it was running. (I have a keyless start, so I don't need to leave my keys in the ignition).

Anyway, so I am finally ready to leave, the kids are all bundled, and I realize that I can't find my keys. So now I am running around swearing up and down that I couldn't find my effing keys, and saying "Oh my gosh I am going to cry because I am late!!" and the whole time, my son is following me around saying "Mommy! Wait! Mommy!" So finally I stop and say, "What Mikey?! Mommy's late and I can't find my keys!!" and he responds, "Mommy, I found them!" he points to my back pocket and reaches up to grab them and hands them to me.

Then he says, "Now you don't have to cry mommy."

That made my eyes tear up. I just stopped and dropped down to his level and said, "thank you baby..." and squezed him and kissed him.

My appointment was not important at that point, all that mattered was my little girl in my left arm, and the little boy that I was squeezing with my right arm.

My babies are so precious, and even if it takes me feeling like a complete idiot for overreacting, I will always treasure these little reminders of how much they mean to me. :)

So make sure you all take time to remember what really is important in your life.



PS: its theses fools wedding day today. Due to money I cannot attend (and I was even a bridesmaid!!) I love you Sarah and Jeff!!

1 love notes:

Angelique said...

ahhhhh i miss that little booger! ugh, he's so precious

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3