So...being that I am 24 with one failed marriage under my belt already, I felt my odds of finding love were bleak because of:
a) my 2 kids (which I adore, but some guys do not - and those guys are NOT worth my time)
b) I would not be able to let someone in for a long time
I just want to share a little excerpt from a conversation my boyfriend and I were having the other day. I was having a rough day and one of those, "I don't understand how it's possible for you to love me as much as you do." insecurity moments...because he's badass, sometimes I wonder if he is for real. I'm so lucky as a mommy with 2 kids to have someone who loves my kids as much as he loves me.'s the quote.
"I love that everytime I tell you that I love you, I still get knots in my stomach as if it is the first time I'm saying it to you."
I thought boys like him only existed in chick flicks.
He's real. He's awesome. He's mine. <3
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