Sunday, February 7, 2010

I forgot to tighten my bra straps after wearing my strap perfect...

...and they keep falling off of my shoulders. FML.

I always have good words of wisdome for friends. I never try to sway someone's opinion one way or another, but I am pretty good at giving someone an objective opinion to any situation. ::Insert chuckles about Mike from Jersey Shore::::GTL!::

So my question, to myself, and anyone else like me...WHY CAN'T I EVER HELP MYSELF?!

I am trying to step outside of my situation ::giggle:: and be objective, and here's how it is actually helping...

<3 I am being completely honest with myself and anyone I talk to about this.
<3 I know that some of the things I am feeling and thinking are right and completely justified
<3 I know that some of the things that I am feeling and thinking are wrong.

...but I still don't know what to do... Like when I posted on my facebook about "The grass on the other side ever staying greener." No one seemed to think that it does, but I can't imagine that it's any worse on the other side in some to determine whether I want to tend to the grass on the side I am on, or jump the fence, pull the weeds, and plant fresh grass and make that greener...

I mean I believe you create your own now, I just have to make a decision.

Wish me luck.


PS: Life, feel free to ease up on me...but only if you want to.

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