Okay, so I have decided to randomly tell you guys when I find a product that I love. I actually have a lot on the list, so I will have to figure out some sort of pattern of how/when to put them up so that I don't run out of things too quickly. Haha.
SO obvs my first post was about that Burt's Bee's tinted chapstick that i LOOOVE.
Next in line, the Motorola version of the Droid.
Let me start by saying that this will be the Valley Girl version of a review, I don't claim to be a electronics nerd, I'll leave that technical stuff to CNet, thanks.
Okay, so I know it isn't much to look at, which is why I opted for the Blackberry Tour at first. After I heard of all its capabilities, I took the plunge and traded it in for the Droid. The good news is, you can make it decently cute by putting on a snap-on case; mine looks more like this now:

It is much more bearable to look at with the cute pink case on it :)
Okay so my instant thoughts were: this is SO similar to the iPhone, but is better because of the full keyboard. It also seems to have a lot of similar apps available as the iPhone. (Including Yelp, the Level, YouTube, Shazam, Twitter applications, various bar code scanners, email, etc.)
The touch screen is actually SUPER-nicely calibrated, and makes it easy to type on the touch screen, which was my biggest concern coming to this phone from the Blackberry.
My favorite apps on MY Droid are:
*Voice Guided turn-by-turn navigation, no additional cost.
*Movie soundboard of The Hangover
*Bar Code Scanner
*Flixter Movies app (shows closest theaters, the times listed under the movies and a direct link to the movie trailer which plays immediately and in nice quality considering it's a phone)
*A ringtone maker where you can upload songs onto your phone, and make ringtones out of them using this app (on your phone...not the computer)
*TFLN (Texts from last night)
*Random Chuck Norris facts
**The apps listed above that the iPhone also has are all amazing too!**
Its has all the normal things a phone these days does; Camera, Video Camera, Internet (I love the internet on this phone)
So all in all, I DO miss my blackberry for the BBM, but the Droid is a pretty good pick I say. No problems with it yet...so I recommend it if you're thinking about buying it!!
ps School starts Monday - I.Am.So.Stoked!!! Ive been out of school since December 06!
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