"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return." Leonardo Da Vinci

(I just watched a plane like this take off..it was AMAZING. Thanks airliners.net)
So. Update from last post. I started a new job. It's not in aviation. Boo!
BUT I surprisingly like it a lot. It's an awesome company, they treat their employees well, have amazing benefits, and most employees there are lifers, which says a lot... :-)
My second job IS in aviation , and it is AMAZING. It sucks being away from the hubby and kiddos every other weekend, but I have to tell you - its almost therapeutic being here and getting to watch planes take off. Now, for the most part I don't see that many jets...but the ones that I do are amazing to watch take off. I even love listening to the controller talk to the planes on the ground and in the air! Ugh..I need to stop. It's making me sound like a loser!
People who arent in aviation don't understand how hard it is to get out of the industry ..so that fact that my job IS outside the industry, you would think I would be relieved that I was able to get out!! And I am...Monday through Friday. It is so nice not having to work 6-2 or 2-10, or 9-5, but then you have to be on call once a week and work holidays and weekends. But then I get here on weekends, and it makes me hate my first job all over again.
Here is what makes me a crazy person:
Regular job:
-No Crazy Hours
-No on Call
-No Shmoozing people
-No lying to passenger's wives about the women their husbands are flying with
-No weekends (for the most part)
-No holiday work
-Amazing benefits
-6k/year toward tuition
-They take care of and show constant appreciation for their people.
My Aviation Jobs:
-Crap hours, with overtime if a plane is leaving early or coming in late
-On calls
-Having to cover for shady, lying passengers
-I have only worked for one company that really acknowedged my hard work and love for the job (Thank you MB)
-Unless you work for a company like Boeing or Bombardier (which I used to) you ain't gettin no tuition reimbersement
It all makes sense on paper...why cant I get it through my head?!
That's it for my rants... :)
PS. I apply for Air Traffic Controller in January. We'll see how that goes. :)
PPS There is a customer at my work that has a plane like this:
It is my goal to become their friend and go for a ride!! Can we say barrel rolls?
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