{LOVES this picture...gives aviation a girly feel... thanks to google images}
So honestly, I wish sometimes that I had a more interesting vice, or at least ones with weekly meetings I could attend to get it out of my system. I love aviation. The planes, the planning, the pilots...it is all so fascinating to me.
I could watch this movie 100,000 times and it wouldnt be enough:
Ever since I was 18 I have worked in corporate aviation (that's private jets for those not up to par with Aviation jargon). The planes look more like this as opposed to airlines:
I did a 4 month stint working for a mortgage company, and it was HORRIBLE!!! Now that I am back in Minnesota I am yet again having a hard time finding an aviation job, because the industry as a whole is slow...and as it is there are few aviation jobs here. There are corporate flight departments like Target, 3M, Best Buy, General Mills, etc. and I would L-O-V-E to have a job working for a company like that...but it's just not happening for me.
Next week I start a non-aviation job. It is for an amazing company...but it selfish and ungrateful that I am not even willing to pretend to be excited to work there? I should be grateful to have even found a job.
Yet I cannot pretend I am not crushed that it isn't aviation...::sigh::
"If you do what you love for a living, you will never work a day in your life."
-Glen (My stepdad)
I wholeheartedly believe that quote. And I guess its the reason I want nothing to do with anything outside aviation.
Its seriously a disease. Once you're in...you're STUCK.
I refuse to give up though, so wish me luck in my continued search!!
end of 2016
8 years ago