Friday, October 23, 2009

My Addiction

{LOVES this aviation a girly feel... thanks to google images}

So honestly, I wish sometimes that I had a more interesting vice, or at least ones with weekly meetings I could attend to get it out of my system. I love aviation. The planes, the planning, the is all so fascinating to me.

I could watch this movie 100,000 times and it wouldnt be enough:

Ever since I was 18 I have worked in corporate aviation (that's private jets for those not up to par with Aviation jargon). The planes look more like this as opposed to airlines:

I did a 4 month stint working for a mortgage company, and it was HORRIBLE!!! Now that I am back in Minnesota I am yet again having a hard time finding an aviation job, because the industry as a whole is slow...and as it is there are few aviation jobs here. There are corporate flight departments like Target, 3M, Best Buy, General Mills, etc. and I would L-O-V-E to have a job working for a company like that...but it's just not happening for me.

Next week I start a non-aviation job. It is for an amazing company...but it selfish and ungrateful that I am not even willing to pretend to be excited to work there? I should be grateful to have even found a job.

Yet I cannot pretend I am not crushed that it isn't aviation...::sigh::

"If you do what you love for a living, you will never work a day in your life."
-Glen (My stepdad)

I wholeheartedly believe that quote. And I guess its the reason I want nothing to do with anything outside aviation.

Its seriously a disease. Once you're're STUCK.

I refuse to give up though, so wish me luck in my continued search!!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Okay, my page is SO boring. Can anyone give me tips on how to spiff it up??



Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Happy Anniversary!!!

That's right...Happy Anniversary. I remember when I was younger, and all my friends and I would celebrate our "one month anniversaries" with our boyfriends/girlfriends...too bad none of us looked up the meaning of Anniversary, and therefore did not think about the have that the prefix "Anni" meant annual...yep, we were retarded. Hahaha.
It's been a year since I married the greatest man to enter my life! We are really short on cash right now, but we made the most of it. A couple of weeks ago, I told Matt that this year was his...and he had to surprise me! Well he did a pretty damn good job considering our financial situation...
He took me to a restaurant called "Timber Lodge"...which is special, because that is the restaurant where he proposed to me... :-). (He just pretends that he isnt romantic!!)
Then he filled up the bathtub/jacuzzi/whirlpool in his parents downstairs bathroom, put bubbles, and bath confetti in and had music turned on and was so relaxing and so nice just to have some alone time with my husband!! Major points, babe.
BUT the disappointing part...we actually managed to keep the top tier of our cake...and it survived the move to San Diego, then the move to Minnesota believe it or not. We opened the box it was in and of course the fondant had all come off of it from the moves, so we cut into it and there were BLACK SPOTS in the filling... yeah, thats what happens when you include fresh bananas in the filling of your cake. Hahaha.
Needless to say, we didnt eat it, but we did the traditional cutting of the first slice together, and I ate a teeny piece of the cake itself (no filling thanks.)
Good weekend though! Enjoy the pics...